Textbooks are rebound into new, durable hard covers. Our high quality binding stands up to even the toughest users! The most durable cloth available, Group F Buckram is our standard material used on all textbooks. Limited mending and repairing of pages is done at no extra charge. When practical, missing pages will be photocopied and replaced.
If you are looking to save money on textbook expenses, rebinding is a great idea. Do not throw away worn out books. We will make them like new.
Have you adopted a new textbook for your curriculum, consider purchasing cheaper soft cover options and have it bound into a new hard-cover book. It will save you money on the overall purchase and creates a longer lasting book that can stand up to even the toughest of students. Contact us for special pricing on new adoptions.
Graphic Book Covers
A popular alternative to the buckram cloth is the graphic cover. The original cover is scanned into the computer and touched up by our graphic artist. The image is then printed on a durable arrestox B vellum cloth. This cloth is much stronger than a traditional paper product. The original look of the textbook graphics is preserved with a high end cover.
Golden Rule Bindery will scan the original cover of the textbook and use it to make a new printed laminated cover. If we need to add your book title to our database, there is a small fee for orders less than five books.