17701 San Pasqual Valley Rd. #49
Escondido, CA 92025

If you try to get directions off the internet (i.e.,, you will most likely not recieve accurate directions.

Take the Hwy. 78 East (Ash Street) to get to San Pasqual Valley

Go straight through the intersection of Bear Valley Pkwy. and Hwy. 78 [Hwy. 78 is also called San Pasqual Valley Rd.]

Go straight at the intersection of Cloverdale and Hwy. 78

Go past the Wild Animal Park on your left-hand side

Go past the San Diego Archeological building on your left-hand side

After you pass the General Store on the left you will go over a small bridge, immediately following the bridge is the side street Bandy Canyon Rd. on the right.

Once you pass Bandy Canyon Rd. look for the upcoming turn lane on the right. You will see a brown sign that says "San Pasqual Academy".

Turn RIGHT at the sign.

Follow the driveway straight up to the school.

At the stop sign turn LEFT.

Go down to the end of the buildings where the street ends. You will see a blacktop driveway on the right-hand side. Turn RIGHT up the blacktop road.

Follow the blacktop road up to the GOLDEN RULE BINDERY which sits behind the tall grove of trees.

If you have trouble understanding these instructions:

Call us at: (760) 745-4691
Fax us at: (760) 747-1699
Email us at: [email protected]

with any of your questions!

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